- Unzip ServerExt.u, ServerExtMut.u to: /KillingFloor2/KFGame/BrewedPC/ folder. - Unzip KFServerExt.ini/KFServerExtMut.ini/KFxMapVote.ini to: /KillingFloor2/KFGame/Config/ folder. To run this mod with the server, either: A: - Edit /KillingFloor2/KFGame/Config/PCServer-KFEngine.ini and add [KFGame.KFGameEngine]: ... ServerActors=IpDrv.WebServer ServerActors=ServerExtMut.ServerExtMut B: - Change server launch option and add to it: ?Mutator=ServerExtMut.ServerExtMut DON'T DO BOTH! You can edit settings in KFServerExtMut.ini: SettingsInit = Don't touch this line, it's just to help game notice if the config file has been generated. ForcedMaxPlayers = Uncapped max players limit (0 = use normal KF2 server setting). PlayerRespawnTime = Time in seconds when dead players should respawn (0 = no respawning). LargeMonsterHP = The minimum health of the monster for game to consider it to be a "boss" monster and broadcast the kill for every player. bKillMessages = Show kill messages. bDamageMessages = Show damage messages. bEnableMapVote = Enable mapvote on server. PerkClasses = List of perks to use. ServerMOTD = Server "news" page that players will first see when they press 'Esc' (line changes will be marked with | character). bNoWebAdmin = Disable webadmin settings for this mod. bNoAdminCommands = Disable in-game admin commands for modifing player stats. StatAutoSaveWaves = How often in waves should all players stats be saved. StatFileDir = Relative path where to save individuals player stats at. bDumpXMLStats = Have mod dump XML stat files every time player stats are saved at "../KFGame/Stats/U_.xml" for some optional external app to process the stats. bNoBoomstickJumping = Remove knockback from boomstick weapon (to make it harder to glitch some maps). KFxMapVote.ini: GameModes = Different game modes to vote for (you can add multiple of these lines): GameName = Long name of the game to vote for (i.e: Killing Floor Survival) GameShortName = Short name of the game voted for (i.e: KFS) GameClass = Game type class name Mutators = Additional mutators for the vote option (mapvote mutator itself will be added automatically). NOTE: multiple mutators should be seperate by comma ',' Options = Additional game settings (i.e: GameLength=2?MaxPlayers=1) Prefix = Map prefix (incase you have different game mode maps on maplist, i.e: standard KF maps have prefix "KF") LastVotedGameInfo = Don't touch this value. VoteTime = After mapvote countdown has started, this is how much time you have to vote. MidGameVotePct = When this percent of players have voted any map, start mapvote countdown on mid-game (i.e: 0.51 = 51 %) MapWinPct = When this percent of players have voted same map, instantly switch to it.